C'est la saison… pour la citrouille quand même! Tarte à la citrouille, pain à la citrouille, lattes à la citrouille, etc. Certains d'entre nous l'adorent et d'autres le détestent… mais je suis totalement dans le camp d'amour! Cette recette de soupe à la citrouille faite à partir de zéro est un repas d'automne rapide et copieux.
Bonus supplémentaire… en une pincée, je peux faire cette soupe entièrement à partir d'ingrédients de mon garde-manger!
Je ne suis pas sûr que la soupe à la citrouille puisse être malsaine, car la...
Homemade Pumpkin Soup – Fall Favorite!
‘Tis the season… for pumpkin anyway! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, and more are everywhere this time of year. Some of us love it and some of us hate it… but I’m totally in the love it camp! This made-from-scratch pumpkin soup recipe is a quick and filling fall meal.
Extra bonus… in a pinch, I can make this soup entirely from ingredients in my pantry!
How to Make a Healthy Pumpkin Soup
I’m not sure pumpkin soup could be unhealthy, since pumpkin itself is loaded with fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium....
6 Chair Yoga Poses to Strengthen the Entire Body
I used to associate chairs and yoga with two things: Utkatasana (a.k.a. Chair pose), the well-known yoga posture, and sitting, something that can cause health issues, but that yoga can address. After trying chair yoga, my associations and understanding have changed. I was impressed with the support a chair can truly offer, and just how easy it is to adapt yoga poses to the support of a chair.
What is Chair Yoga?
Chair yoga is simply adapting yoga asanas with a chair. The chair makes yoga postures accessible to students by offering...
Sulfur (Sulphur) Facts
"Check out these amazing sulfur facts and learn more about the element that is responsible for a lot of the really stinky smells we come across! Sulfur (also spelt sulphur) in its element form is found in volcanic and hot spring areas and is usually a yellow color. Read on for more interesting facts and properties of sulfur.
1. Sulfur or sulphur is a chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16.
2. The element has traditionally been spelt 'sulphur' in the United Kingdom and most of the Commonwealth countries, while the United States used 'sulfur'. The...